Hello, I am Holly Vincent. I have been meditating for over ten years. While my practice was not consistent at first, I began to realize the effects of consistent meditation in my life. I found more peace, more compassion, and a more loving outlook in general. I wanted to share that with others. In that time, I also studied Usui Reiki, Angelic Reiki. I tapped into my intuition for others, and taught them how to tap into their intuition.
The bedrock of all of this was my meditation practice. I decided I didn’t just want to practice meditation but to teach others. I am a graduate of the McLean Meditation Institute. I can help you find the meditation that fits your needs. From meditation as a health benefit to a spiritual practice, I look forward to working with you.
As I stated above, I had formally meditated for over 10 years. It wasn’t always consistent, but I kept returning to meditation. I would find daily meditation helped me to be calmer. I also found I got less bothered by ‘the little things’. Meditation also helped my stress levels. I also loved that as I learned about different traditions and cultures, each had a form of meditation.
I work in Information Technology which is all about data, numbers, either/or. It can be very logical. Consistent meditation helped me tap into solutions more readily. As I took the nine month program, we read about studies that showed the positive effects of meditation. It is a great thing to have in your wellness toolkit. Meditation for brain and body health is becoming more and more recognized. I am happy to teach you forms I’ve learned that will improve both.
I also work in Intuition. I have learned and taught using one’s intuition. I have found that meditation goes hand in hand with deepening that ‘gut instinct’ that I like to call intuition. It has become part of my spiritual practice. Meditation became more than just an obligatory 10 minutes, 20 minutes some days. It became a way to tune out the outside world and tune into me.
The truth is, when I was looking to meditation from a brain boost/logic stand point, it fits the bill. When I was looking to meditation as part of my overall spiritual practice, it still fit the bill. I find that meditation meets you where you are.
In this busy world, there are folks who feel they do not have the time to meditate. I hope to show you how you can make meditation work for you. Even if you don’t feel you have the time!
Other than headshots, all photography on this site is mine! I enjoy photography as a hobby. From local gardens, to England and Maui, I’ve gotten to get out and snap some amazing shots.
I have a strong sense of humor. When teaching I like to keep things funny and informative. Come for the meditation experience, stay for the jokes.
I’m also a woo on the side. So, if you’re into Angels and Intuition, I am definitely the meditation teacher for you!
(If you are not about the woo, don’t worry, I can teach you too. My day job is pretty logical and straight-forward, and I can teach in that style. But the jokes stay either way)